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The Shift

Becoming Your Best Self

Unlock the Secrets to a Fearless and Trusting Life!

Discover the power of The Shift and transform your life into one of freedom and trust. This groundbreaking book will guide you through the journey of reprogramming your mind, freeing yourself from negative beliefs and fears, and finding the courage to live your best life.

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From the Introduction: “The Shift is about the shift of consciousness that happens when we stop believing our thoughts and allowing them to tell us who we are and how to run our life. This shift of consciousness is the most radical shift that a person can experience. It will change your life for the better forever. When we change our relationship to our thoughts, our life changes because we change fundamentally. We become our best self rather than the confused, insecure, petty, judgmental, striving, stressed-out, unhappy self we are likely to have been and believed ourselves to be when we were enmeshed with the voice in our head and believing those thoughts. The Shift is ultimately about discovering who we really are beyond all the things we believe about ourselves and have been taught about ourselves and about life. It is about recognizing and becoming who we really are—a spiritual being who happens to be having a human experience.”

The Shift explains:

• Why we suffer and how not to,
• How to change your relationship to your mind and reprogram it,
• How to clear negative thoughts and self-images,
• How to overcome fear and develop trust,
• How to work with spiritual forces to assist healing and clear negativity,
• How to heal entrenched issues from the past,
• How to meditate,
• Other helpful practices, such as reframing, prayer, forgiveness, gratitude, Inner Child work, and spiritual inquiry.

Note: The information in The Shift was formerly published in two previous books by Gina Lake—Getting Free and Trusting Life—which are no longer in print. Other material is included as well. Because these two books were written before Gina started channeling Jesus, The Shift is in Gina’s voice, although it, like her other books, is also channeled. The teachings are similar to her books channeled by Jesus and may be especially suited to those who may be uncomfortable with the idea of channeling.

The audiobook will be available July 1st.

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Paperback coming Soon

5 Reviews on Amazon Averaging 5.0 Stars out of 5 Stars!
Here's What Reviewers Are Saying...

  • “I own every one of Gina’s books. The wisdom is deep and profound. It’s like being able to visit with Yeshua for private lessons. I am incredibly grateful to Gina for being the divine conduit for these teachings. They fill me with peace and comfort while also encouraging and inspiring me to work towards being the best version of myself possible. If you have not read any of Gina’s books before, this is an excellent place to start.” –Daniel E.

  • “I have read many of Gina Lake’s books and I find her to be a master spiritual teacher. She writes very clearly because she is so clear herself. She can write a profound truth in one simple paragraph without any fluff. She understands exactly what veils our divine presence. She is a wise, dedicated, and loving teacher. She is also generous with her wisdom. I love this new book. It made my day!” –Linda M.

  • The Shift offers easy to understand and easy to implement tools that will help transition you further into more clarity in distancing one’s ego identification as the avatar self we think ourselves to be into alignment with our true selves as Divine. Since studying with Gina Lake’s life-altering teachings and embracing a daily meditation practice, my life has done a complete 180 degree turn around, from following the dictates of the ongoing limited, fear-based, judgmental, self-effacing mindset that I just couldn't get out from under to one of clear focus in the reality of living from Presence. I've become a clearer observer of what my mind is up to and have truly shifted those thoughts to present-moment reality. The results truly feel miraculous. I now live a life of peace, joy, wonder and gratitude of the very simple gifts within each passing moment. The uptick in clients, opportunities, healing of personal relationships with family members and even peace around world affairs all happened as a result of dedication to these soul-transforming and uplifting teachings. And I now embrace in humble gratitude the realization that one day I, too, will awaken more fully to our shared reality in divine love and seeing the divine in one another as well. Why wait for heaven when you can purchase The Shift and gift yourself the keys to the kingdom of heaven within, this very day!” –Kat

  • “Gina Lake has an amazing ability to distill wisdom into understandable and doable actions and attitudes. You can find the universal advice distilled from Stoics to Buddhism to Christianity — and all the faiths in between. These are practical — not overly philosophical! Take your time and live with the different sections. It will give you a new lease on life, and you will better understand how the current moment is a gift — and thus called The Present.” –Michael B.