Books by Gina
Browse All Books
- Angels, Masters, and Guides
- Cycles of the Soul
- Every Flower Fades
- The Shift
- What Jesus Wants You to Know
- In the World but Not of It
- All Grace
- Awakening Love
- The Jesus Trilogy
- A Heroic Life
- Jesus Speaking Series
- Faith, Facts, & Fiction
- Ten Teachings for One World
- From Stress to Stillness
- Choosing Love
- Embracing the Now
- Living in the Now
- Being Happy
- Radical Happiness
- Return to Essence
Jesus Speaking Series
A series of five channeled books/audiobooks
The first three Jesus Speaking books/audiobooks on this page (volumes 3-5) are messages from our Christ Consciousness Transmissions online gatherings. All five audiobooks in the Jesus Speaking series are narrated by Gina and available to download on this website and also available on Audible and iBooks. The ebooks and paperbacks can be purchased on Amazon.
These are nondual (Oneness) teachings and not based on any religion. If you have questions about the process of channeling, please see these FAQs. An audiobook excerpt from Jesus Speaking: On Being in the World is below.
Jesus Speaking, Vol. 5: On Being in the World
The messages in this audiobook/book from Jesus, channeled by Gina Lake, will help you be in the world with greater peace and happiness. In these messages, Jesus addresses a variety of practical issues, such as the cause of suffering, how to heal and transform humanity, how to come together as one world, what the Law of Attraction really is, how to make love your default, how to connect soul to soul, what being honest and truthful means, how to create an environment conducive to your spiritual well-being, how to stay true to your Heart, how to be more present in your life, and how to find your life purpose. These messages were part of weekly online video meetings, where Gina Lake and her husband, who is also a non-dual spiritual teacher, give what they call Christ Consciousness energy transmissions. Many report feeling a transmission come through these channeled messages as well. Learn more about these transmission meetings.
Listen to an excerpt from the audiobook:
6 hours. For $9.95, you can purchase and download MP3s (as a zip file) of Jesus Speaking: On Being in the World on this website using a PayPal account or credit card by clicking on the Buy Now button below. Or you can pay with a personal check by sending a check made out to Gina Lake to P.O. Box 3558, Sedona, AZ 86340 with a note about what it is for and your email address. Then, we will email you the link to download the audiobook.
Audiobook, eBook, and paperback available on Audible, Amazon, and iBooks:
Jesus Speaking, Vol. 4: On Embodying Christ Consciousness
In this channeled audiobook/book, Jesus speaks to us from another dimension to awaken Christ Consciousness within us. Christ Consciousness refers to enlightenment, or the realization of our oneness with all and our inherent divinity, exemplified by Jesus Christ. Jesus lived what he taught, and he taught from a higher state of consciousness, one free of ego. Jesus was an example of what we all can be, a model of what is possible for every human being, and the messages in this audiobook show us how we can become more Christ-like and live as he did. These messages were part of weekly online video meetings, where Gina Lake and her husband, who is also a non-dual spiritual teacher, give what they call Christ Consciousness energy transmissions. Many report feeling a transmission come through these channeled messages as well. Learn more about these transmission meetings.
6.5 hours. For $9.95, you can purchase and download MP3s (as a zip file) of Jesus Speaking: On Embodying Christ Consciousness on this website using a PayPal account or credit card by clicking on the Buy Now button below. Or you can pay with a personal check by sending a check made out to Gina Lake to P.O. Box 3558, Sedona, AZ 86340 with a note about what it is for and your email address. Then, we will email you the link to download the audiobook. Or you can purchase the audiobook on Audible or iBooks through the buttons below:
Audiobook, eBook, and paperback available on Audible, Amazon, and iBooks:
Jesus Speaking, Vol. 3: On Awakening to Love
What we know about Jesus and what is obvious from the channeled messages in this audiobook/book is that Jesus is about love. His purpose in speaking to us through these messages is to awaken the love within us that is our true nature. They are also intended to give you the experience of having a relationship with this wise and loving being we’ve known as Jesus the Christ, as he speaks to you as if you were sitting in his presence. These messages were part of weekly online video meetings, where Gina Lake and her husband, who is also a non-dual spiritual teacher, give what they call Christ Consciousness energy transmissions. Many report feeling a transmission come through these channeled messages as well. Learn more about these transmission meetings.
“What you all want is love. That is encoded in you—to go toward love.”
6.5 hours. For $9.95, you can purchase and download MP3s (as a zip file) of Jesus Speaking: On Awakening to Love on this website using a PayPal account or credit card by clicking on the Buy Now button below. Or you can pay with a personal check by sending a check made out to Gina Lake to P.O. Box 3558, Sedona, AZ 86340 with a note about what it is for and your email address. Then, we will email you the link to download the audiobook. Or you can purchase the audiobook on Audible or iBooks through the buttons below:
Audiobook, eBook, and paperback available on Audible, Amazon, and iBooks:
Jesus Speaking, Vol. 2: On Overcoming Fear and Developing Trust
In the Introduction, Jesus explains: “To be free from fear requires that you see the truth about fear—that it is an illusion. It isn’t real. Merely seeing this is, itself, freeing. Fear keeps you imprisoned in the ego’s world, which is one of lack and insecurity and every possible negative emotion. Fear shapes most people’s lives, which is why so many are unhappy, since fear and happiness and fear and love cannot coexist. Fear blocks love. It is the enemy of love and therefore the enemy of happiness. Fear doesn’t make anyone a better person. It doesn’t even keep people safe. How can an illusion, a lie, keep you safe? But the truth can and will.” That is what you will find here—the truth about fear, along with practical advice and methods for working with fear and overcoming specific fears, such as the fear of failure, poverty, death, loss, illness, aging, and not being loved.
4.5 hours. For $9.95, you can purchase and download MP3s (as a zip file) of Jesus Speaking: On Overcoming Fear and Developing Trust on this website using a PayPal account or credit card by clicking on the Buy Now button below. Or you can pay with a personal check by sending a check made out to Gina Lake to P.O. Box 3558, Sedona, AZ 86340 with a note about what it is for and your email address. Then, we will email you the link to download the audiobook. Or coming soon to Audible or iBooks through the buttons below:
Audiobook, eBook, and paperback available on Audible, Amazon, and iBooks:
Jesus Speaking, Vol. 1: On Falling in Love with Life
Jesus Speaking: On Falling in Love with Life will bring you into greater alignment with the Christ within you, with Christ Consciousness. By doing a few simple things and shifting your perspective in small ways, which are explained in each of the chapters, you can become a lover of life. In the Introduction, Jesus explains: “I am speaking to you now through this channel to help you to know of my presence and to feel my presence in your life more fully. I want you to know that I exist here, in another dimension, that I am eternally present and continue to be the servant for all that is good, and that you—like me—are also eternal and will continue to exist once you leave this temporary body. You are so much more than you realize. I was but an example of what you are capable of as a human being. But in essence, you, like me, are much more than a human being. You are an eternal being. My intention in speaking to you is to help you to realize your true nature and to live as the best human being you can be. Allow me to be your guide Home. It is my deepest honor to serve you in this way, for in doing so, I am serving the Whole and giving glory to the Father, who has created all of life.”
4.5 hours. For $9.95, you can purchase and download MP3s (as a zip file) of Jesus Speaking: On Falling in Love with Life on this website using a PayPal account or credit card by clicking on the Buy Now button below. Or you can pay with a personal check by sending a check made out to Gina Lake to P.O. Box 3558, Sedona, AZ 86340 with a note about what it is for and your email address. Then, we will email you the link to download the audiobook. Or you can purchase the audiobook on Audible or iBooks through the buttons below:
Audiobook, eBook, and paperback available on Audible, Amazon, and iBooks:

Books by Gina
Browse All Books
- Angels, Masters, and Guides
- Cycles of the Soul
- Every Flower Fades
- The Shift
- What Jesus Wants You to Know
- In the World but Not of It
- All Grace
- Awakening Love
- The Jesus Trilogy
- A Heroic Life
- Jesus Speaking Series
- Faith, Facts, & Fiction
- Ten Teachings for One World
- From Stress to Stillness
- Choosing Love
- Embracing the Now
- Living in the Now
- Being Happy
- Radical Happiness
- Return to Essence