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Activate Your Greatest Superpower: Your Intuition!


Develop Your Connection to Your Soul's Wisdom
and to Angels, Masters, and Guides

-with Gina Lake and Jenai Lane-

Boundless benefits when you join LIVING INTUITIVELY...


Live the Life Your Soul Intended

Learn to ignite the power of your intuition, which will lead to greater clarity, deep truth, and direct guidance and help you navigate this human life with ease, grace, and joy. In this amazing course, you will develop this spiritual superpower and gain discernment and guidance from your soul's wisdom, angels, guides, and Ascended Masters. Imagine what it would be like to have unshakable intuition! This is your birthright. Your intuition is the key to creating your best life yet and to changing the world for the better.


Develop Your Intuition at Your Own Pace

Living Intuitively is a self-directed and self-paced 8-week online course  on a beautiful, user-friendly platform, where you can listen, read, or watch the course materials on your computer, tablet, or phone. Each week, you will receive guided meditations, video and audio talks, practices, inquiries, and other activities to engage in, which you will always have access to. 


Develop Your Connection with Angels, Masters, and Guides and with Your Own Intuition

You will learn to...

  • Connect with and Receive Guidance from Angels, Masters, and Guides
  • Discern Between the Voice of the Ego and Your Intuition
  • Trust Your Intuition, Trust Life, and Relinquish Self-Doubt
  • Live More in the Present Moment and as Your True Self
  • Become More Available to Guidance from Other Dimensional Beings
  • Overcome Negativity and Raise Your Vibration
  • Overcome Blocks to Developing and Using Your Intuition
  • Align with Your Soul’s Intentions and Gain Clarity About Your Choices
  • Move from Five Sensory to Six Sensory Living
  • Tap Into Your Unique Gifts
  • Open the Doorway to Your Divinity
  • Move out of Fear and Act from Love

Receive Expert Guidance and Support and a Connection to a Community

Throughout the course, you will be expertly and gently guided by Gina Lake and Jenai Lane, and any questions you have will be promptly answered on the course forum or through email. We know what it’s like to struggle with a negative mind and fears, to overcome depression, to have a successful meditation practice, and to live an awakened life—and we have counseled people on spiritual matters for decades. This course is not just information, but a program of transformation, and we are engaged in this process with you to the degree that you want and need us to be. And, in the forum, you can connect with others who have a similar commitment to connecting with spiritual forces and developing their intuition, with whom you can share your experiences.


Two Free E-Books by Gina Lake

As part of this course, you will also receive PDFs of Gina Lake’s Angels, Masters and Guides: How to Work with Them to Heal and to Accelerate Your Spiritual Evolution and Return to Essence: How to Be in the Flow and Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose


Mp3s of Guided Meditations and Talks

You will also receive MP3s of guided meditations and talks that you will be able to listen to again and again. You will have access to all of the materials in this course forever. They are yours to return to as you need to and yours to absorb at your own pace and in your own way. This is a course you can join any time and engage in, in a way that suits your lifestyle.

This self-paced 8-week online course with a lifetime of access is yours today for just $333. 

30-DAY REFUND POLICY: If you're not 100% satisfied with this online course, we'll refund your money.

What's in Each Module


MODULE 1: What Intuition Is and Why You Need It

In this module, you will learn all about the intuition, including how to distinguish between your thoughts and your intuition. You will also be given a phrase to help you become more receptive to your intuition. And you will discover how to open up to receiving transmissions from the Ascended Masters. You will also be given an effective practice to build the muscle of your intuition, which you can use throughout this course. And you’ll receive a PDF of Angels, Masters, and Guides.


MODULE 2: Get into the Flow to Amplify Your Intuition

In this module, you will learn the two most important things that will help you receive intuitive guidance. You’ll also learn how to use prayer to connect with spiritual forces and how best to receive help from them. You’ll be given practices to activate your intuition, and you’ll also be given a simple tool to get out of your mind and into your intuition. You’ll also receive a PDF of Return to Essence: How to Be in the Flow and Fulfill Your Life's Purpose about how to be in the flow and make choices in your life that lead to greater fulfillment, happiness, and ease.


MODULE 3: Cultivating Trust in Your Intuition

In this module, you will learn why intuition has been suppressed in our culture and why intuition is especially important to develop now. You’ll learn how to trust your intuition, which will also help you to trust life, and what to do when doubts arise. And you’ll be given a method for working with your Inner Child and freeing yourself from negative beliefs that interfere with trusting your intuition.


MODULE 4: Doorways into Presence and the Intuitive Realm

In this module, you will learn how to move out of the egoic state of consciousness into Presence using guided meditations and other practices. You will learn to experience yourself as aliveness and Awareness. You will also learn how to apply humility to super charge your intuition and its effectiveness in your life.


MODULE 5: Tools for Accessing Your Intuition

In this module, you will learn the most effective tools for easily and effortlessly accessing your intuition and developing clairsentience, clairvoyance, and clairaudience. You will learn how to become centered, clear, and connected. You’ll be shown how to use books to receive intuitive guidance, and you’ll be given a flash card exercise to develop your ability to receive images in your mind‘s eye. And you will learn how to discern whether something is a yes or a no when faced with a decision.


MODULE 6: Tools for Raising Your Vibration to Gain Access to Intuitive Guidance

In this module, you will learn how to empty out the clutter in your mind, clear out your energy field, and turn up your vibration so that you can access your intuition, experience more joy and peace in your life, and hear the Masters, guides, and angels. You will also learn how to align your chakras so that you can easily receive messages and inner knowings.


MODULE 7: Connecting with Guides and Masters

In this module, you will learn how guides and Ascended Masters work with you and how to invite them to support you on your life’s journey. You will learn how these beautiful beings use signs and symbols to guide you and seven reasons why you may not be receiving from Masters and some solutions. You will also learn how to connect to the Ascended Masters during dreamtime and elevate your spiritual growth while you’re sleeping. And you will be given a guided meditation that will help you receive transmissions from the Masters.


MODULE 8: Intuition and Integrity and Ethics

In this module, you will learn how to use your intuition ethically and with integrity and in a way that is congruent with the highest good. You will learn how to discern between what is aligned with Love and what is not aligned with Love in the spirit realm. You will also receive some suggested next steps from Gina and Jenai after completing this course.

This self-paced 8-week online course with a lifetime of access is yours today for just $333

About Your Teachers



Gina Lake is a nondual spiritual teacher and the author of over twenty-five books about awakening to one’s true nature. She is also an astrologer and a channel with a master's degree in Counseling Psychology and over thirty years’ experience supporting people in their spiritual growth. In 1986, Gina realized that she could pose a question mentally and get an answer mentally. Three years later, a very beneficial relationship with a wise nonphysical being began. This being was her inner teacher, mentor, and healer and behind her books up until 2012, when an important shift happened and Jesus began dictating books through her. These teachings from Jesus are nondual (Oneness) teachings, based on universal truth, not on any religion.




Jenai Lane has been hearing voices for a long time. When an Ascended Master appeared to her in 3-D many years ago, it catapulted her onto the fast path of awakening. As an award-winning entrepreneur, Jenai works with business leaders to become spirit-led accessing their hidden genius through the vehicle of intuition and guidance from the higher realms. She is the creator of the Spirit Coach® Method, a non-dogmatic approach to aligning with one’s spirit. Jenai is the author of, What Would Love Say? Spirit Led Instead: The Little Playbook of Limitless Transformation, and Spirit Led Instead Playbook. Jenai leads retreats in Sedona and to other sacred sites where miracles are commonplace. She can show you how to discover your true spirit, ignite your spiritual superpowers, and awaken out of your ego identity where freedom, peace, and fulfillment reside.

Here is a video of Gina Lake and Jenai Lane talking about developing the intuition, including some stories about their own experience with intuition, and a guided meditation to help you connect with your guides and your intuition. They also explain what you can expect to receive and experience in the Living Intuitively online course: 

Here's what participants have to say about previous courses by Gina. . .

Over 21,000 people have enjoyed Gina's online courses!

“This course is the most helpful thing in my life that I have EVER signed up for!!! I’m not sure if you know how AMAZINGLY HELPFUL your course is, for me and probably for anyone else. I’m just so pleased and thankful to have this sort of training in this way. There is nothing you would need to do or could do to make it any better for me. Thank you, thank you, and THANK YOU!” –Lani. V.

“I am so grateful for this course. It truly has been life changing on many levels. As I worked through the lessons, I have experienced more joy, happiness, stillness, and feelings of pure love and oneness. It has given me such an understanding of life in a way that I can't explain. It also made me realize that we have a choice about whether we suffer or not. I’ve learned to be much more mindful and aware of my thoughts and reactions as I go through my day. When I am sitting quietly in the garden, I feel at one with everything, and that brings a beautiful sense of peace. And I am so grateful to be able to join the Christ Consciousness Transmission each week. Thank you for the constant support and encouragement throughout the lessons.” –Marie S.

“I am loving the course. It is sooo much more than I thought it would be or hoped for! This is really changing my life. I love your warm, calming voice. I feel so much more confident and motivated being in this course and by your guidance. I just really want to thank you :-)” –Annemieke B.

“It has been my pleasure to have participated in this course. Gina is truly a being of light who is here to deliver a timeless and beautiful message about the Truth that lies in the stillness beyond the limits of where the mind can go. Gina has skillfully taken the essence of sacred ancient wisdom teachings and expressed them using modern day language and non-mystical terms that can easily be understood by all, irrespective of where one is in their own spiritual evolution. Thank you, Gina, for deepening my connection with the priceless gift that lies within, given in grace and received with gratitude.” –Jim M.

“I’m LOVING this course. My favorite part is the guided meditations, which make sitting for longer periods easier. My daughter has even joined me in these because she just loves the soothing words. The most profound change I’ve noticed is how quickly I can identify my ego and the increasing ease with which I’m able to disengage from it and find guidance from my Higher Power. This decreases the time I suffer at the hands of the ego. As a result, I am more joyful and happier overall. I am so grateful for the guidance of this course. Thank you so much!” –Anna H.


“My experience of Gina is that she is an extremely advanced soul and she puts a lot of love into this course, sharing her wisdom generously. I am grateful for this safe-space, this refuge where you can just imbibe profound insights. I can see how much I’ve grown in the last four months, and I give a lot of credit to this course for that growth. It’s been a huge catalyst spiritually.” –Nima S.

“Every ´lesson’ sets the tone of the day and is an invitation to beingness, presence. They are so gentle and yet so profound. I am slowing down. Every day is a reset of some sort. Definitely, I will take much more than 100 days to complete it, but I am already now so peaceful—no rush to arrive somewhere. Every day brings more light in… and love. All my gratitude for each lesson. I am so grateful I joined.” –Florence B.

“I crave my meditation time and look forward to it every day. I feel positive changes in my life. I feel more centered, alive, and much kinder towards myself and the people around me, and more patient, easygoing, happy not knowing, and happy to go with the flow. I am here, I feel, and I am alive. My life has changed, thanks to your course. I can never thank you enough.” –Talal D.

“I have been on this spiritual journey for fifty years. I have read a library of books and taken as many classes. In all this time, I have never seen or heard what your class is showing me. This heart feels so humbled. I just don't know what else to say to express what has come alive inside. Such a gift you are giving to all of us. My heart prayers are all being answered here. Thank you beyond words, Gina. Bless you.” –Jane R.

“Your words and teachings are imbued with divine energy, and if one listens intently from the heart, they can awaken to the possibility that their own beliefs about who and what they are might not actually be true. The Christ Consciousness transmissions have been a joy to receive and embrace. My deepest thanks to you.” –Jim M.

“I would recommend this course for anyone who is on the spiritual path. Everything you learn—and unlearn—is applicable in daily life. During the course, I realized these teachings are all about setting yourself free from the voice in your head, free from the thoughts that accompany you all the time. This course is like a manual for a fulfilling, peaceful life. The Christ Consciousness Transmissions really intensify the experience. Even when you have completed the course, you will find yourself rereading these teachings, because life challenges us all the time. This course has definitely changed my life for the better.” –Sandra H.

“Thank you so much for this course. What a Blessing this is, a true spiritual work of art. From the moment I started the course, I have been in a meditative state. Peace, joy, gratitude are here most of the time during the day. The ego still manifests, of course, but it is seen. What can I say? I'm so grateful. The course is blowing through each day like a spring breeze. The CCT's are a blessing too. Thank you, thank you.” –Chris D.

“I am finding that with the daily meditations, I can let life be as it is and just take care of itself and be alright with that. I can let the pain in my back and leg be okay for now and bear it with detachment. Fear has left. Depression has ceased, and I am so much happier. I don’t hesitate to meditate for an hour and do it whenever I can and then again for a shorter time. Thank you, Gina! My outlook on life has changed dramatically and magic is happening!” –Jerry R.

“I’ve enjoyed this course immensely. It has truly changed my life in so many positive ways. As a 13-year student of A Course in Miracles, Awakening Now and your various books have taken me to a whole other level in consciousness and in my life. Your approach and message have totally given me new insight, and the world seems much clearer to me. The CCTs are powerful.”—Jay P.

"The Awakening Now course is ten modules of priceless information. I had several “Ah-ha” moments during the course. The most important revelation for me is understanding that divine Essence experiences life through my lens. This is the beginning of awakening—realizing I am not the ego self but Spirit, realizing I am the holiness of Essence within. Thank you Jeshua and Gina for this beautiful guide to self-discovery." –Pamela C.

“Jesus through Gina and her course is the greatest teaching tool I have come across in my entire life of searching. They take the awakening process and break it down into 10 digestible modules each offering an aspect of education and practices leading us there. In addition, I was no longer alone but in an interactive classroom along with a most responsive, wise, and awakened human teacher, Gina Lake. Through this course, I developed the ability to notice when ego is running my life and then choosing to become aware of the actual Being that is in fact living my life. I am much happier now having struggled during my life with depression.” –Barbara R.

“The course was wonderful. All during the course, I was just so full of gratitude to God, to you, to all who made it possible. I could feel myself waking up inside, becoming more alive, less sensitive to slights or put downs, and more joyful and peace-filled. The anger and frustration that sometimes built up within seemed to dissipate more quickly. I loved the lessons, videos, the music, and the special transmission sessions with Jesus.” –Carol K.

“I have enjoyed this course, learned from it, and established a new, loving, and unique relationship with Jesus through you—a truthful, solid understanding that somewhere deep within I have known.  It feels real.  I appreciate you, what you do, and who you are. Thank you.” –Kathy M.

“The course has been fabulous for me. I love the variety of materials, the depth and repetition, and the breadth of understanding of Presence and how it works. I’m grateful to have the meditation technique you recommended. It feels perfect for me. I also appreciate the value of your support and love behind us all on our journeys. Everything that I’m experiencing through your course has led to a major shift, and I can feel the joy, peace and love within me no matter what’s going on in my mind or in the external world. Words can’t express my gratitude and appreciation for all you have given me.” Tace S.

“I am feeling very different on the inside. Your supportive words have found their way deeply into my being. For the first time, I am clearly aware that the love I shared for thirty years as a Hospice nurse is most truly who I am—in any setting, in any circumstance. So, I thank you most profoundly for being my teacher.” —Hetty C.

“The course is amazing—lots of material, truth, hitting heart and soul—and these words are not even touching the immense gratitude I have for you, your husband, Jesus the Christ, and all the angels, saints, and entities working for the highest good with all of us. Thank you so much for putting together this course. Words cannot express how much it has illuminated my whole being.” –Sherrie G.

“Oh Gina, I’ve too many words rushing about in my head, all clamoring to be expressed as to how much I appreciate your Awakening Now course. You’ve distilled the essence of truth into this wonderful and masterfully presented course. It’s easy to read and listen to, easily understood, utterly practical, and just as importantly, fulfilling and most enjoyable. I’m so grateful to you. Thank you.” –Brian C.

“This course has been a great help to me, and I plan to make reviewing it a part of my life in the future. It was very helpful to learn about the various ways meditation can be practiced and to try them out. I have truly enjoyed them all. Your talks about happiness, gratitude, meditation, and all the others resonated with me, and I enjoyed the messages and want them to be part of my life. I believe meditation is important. Thank you again for your work.” –Renee T.

“Your lessons are a delight to the senses—music accompanying your lovely speaking voice and luminous nature photos invite relaxed, joyful, and inspired thoughts and feelings. I feel gently cradled in your loving wisdom and appreciate your desire to share it with others.” –Mary Anne B.

“The combination of lessons, talks, guided meditations, and transmissions all lovingly support and enhance the expansion of my consciousness and awakening process. My consciousness has shifted significantly since I started studying and actively dissolving the ego. Your words are an exquisite depiction of truth, and I am energized and uplifted by them. They exude truth, peace, and love in the most beautiful way, and I thank you.” –Sandy B. 

“The content is excellent. The material is rich with truth, like Gina’s books. The modules I've completed are clear, concise, and insightful. They are challenging at times but informative and thorough. Gina’s availability to provide clarification is key. Unlike other teachers who are vague or unclear when it comes to abstract, non-dual concepts, Gina is able to delineate them in detail with clarity.” – Doug L.

“These lessons have sunk in and shifted my way of thinking. I now understand how important meditation is for my journey. I am meditating every day, and I can honestly say I'm enjoying it. Thank you, Gina, for this course. It is life changing.” –Jane D.

“Thank you so much for putting this course together. I’m savoring it all. I’m doing the meditations several times each and re-listening to some things as well. I’m loving the course and have really gotten so much from it. I feel more peaceful, more present. I also love the transmissions and the messages from Jesus. I listen to them multiple times. So, thank you for everything you are doing and allowing to come through you.” –Susan W.

“Because of your course, I’m meditating up to two hours daily now and feeling the difference in my everyday life. The course is very well put together and accessible. I’ve also been very impressed with how accessible you make yourself in answering questions and comments in the forum.” –Rob M.

“I feel this course has been the culmination of all my studying and striving. I find myself thinking much less about the future. What a radical transformation this course has been for me! I've noticed I've become more focused and present, more patient, and more appreciative of life. And the difference your motivation to meditate has made in the rest of my day has been a sense of peace, of being here now. And now. And now. That really is ‘radical.’ Thank you, Gina. I consider you a loving light for the world. I know you’ve lit up mine.” –Bob Z. 

“I am so moved to tears at the gift this course and even seeing Jesus's face through Gina's in the online transmissions. All Christians dream of seeing Jesus someday. In the Catholic mass, there is a prayer that says, "Lord I am not worthy to receive you but only say the word, and I will  be healed." That is how I feel about this course, unworthy as a human monkey mind and humbly grateful as a soul awakening.” –Kathryn

“Since taking this course, I have established a daily practice of meditation. And the peace and beauty of present moment living has forever changed my life and those around me to one of peace, gratitude, and reverence in remembering the divinity within the here and now. How truly blessed we are to have you in our lives, to be the channel for Jesus and his teachings and those of the masters. I could seriously write all day about the ever-unfolding richness of this course in my life.” –Kathryn W.

“I have very much enjoyed this course, have benefited from it, and am still benefiting tremendously. It's hard to find words to describe where I am in myself, but my connection with Spirit is strengthening so rapidly that I feel I'm grounding new understandings every day. I still come and go from being connected all the time, but there is so much peace, joy, and gentleness in life. Everything is wonderful just as it is. I'm enormously happy and grateful for what is happening, and that continues to unfold. Thank you for your part in this. Through the course, you have given me powerful support, encouragement, and essential insights. I am sure I would not have reached where I am now without your input. I feel great gratitude to you!” –Celia Bain

“I am deeply grateful to Gina and Jesus (and others that have influenced) for being able to take part in this super important Awakening Now course. Thank you for raising Awareness and Consciousness of humankind! It has been an eye-opening experience, and it has opened new dimensions of Life. The course helps to understand better the forces behind Life and how to connect with them. It helps to find ways to being peaceful and receptive in meditative state. The course gives answers to questions I always had, and it has been very nurturing to have this knowledge. As with everything, I feel that this is just the beginning, and the eternal journey continues. This has been an important step going further in the spiritual journey.” –Monika K.

“I must let you know that I am simply loving this course. I am appreciating the ‘dailyness’ of it! It is simply Alive!!  I love the short ‘bites.’ It is brilliant.” –Val F. (93 years old)

Thank you Gina for this great work you've being doing and sharing. I appreciate the depth of your insights and how you intelligently structure this knowledge to build an accessible and efficient program. I feel more of these peaceful moments, and they last longer. I can see more clearly through my egoic states and become free of them much more swiftly.” –Benoa

    Start Living Intuitively Now!

    This self-paced 8-week online course with a lifetime of access is yours today for just $333

    30-DAY REFUND POLICY: If you're not 100% satisfied with this online course, we'll refund your money.
    You will receive the first week’s materials as soon as you join the course and then continue to receive new materials every week. Each module is packed with guided meditations, recorded talks, inquiries, activities, and videos. You will always be able to access the materials even after you’ve completed the course.


    Still not sure if this course if for you? Here are some recent testimonials we received for this Living Intuitively online course:


    ""“This has been the most inspiring online class I’ve ever taken, and I’m so grateful that you opened up the doors to me trusting my intuition. What a blessing it’s been!” –Bob Z.


    ""“The teachings and the inspirations behind this course are from spirit. The more you study this course, the more you move into your greatness. This course has changed my thinking and the way I understand things, especially keeping my mind calm. This course transformed my life. Each module is loaded with benefits, insights, and inspirations.” –U. O.


    ""“Jenai Lane and Gina Lake untap limitless opportunities to enter into, rediscover, and ignite our divine, intuitive powers through insights and practices which start to weave themselves organically into day-to-day experiences. Likewise, the community of students are invited to share their awareness through reflections on many of the lessons, which was very helpful and affirming. I am so grateful for the spiritual direction of Jenai and Gina and for the Living Intuitively course. It was a profound next step and a purposeful navigation in which to immerse and sincerely call forth the power that lives within.”  –Susan B.